Bates Creek Consulting provides CFO level consulting and accounting services for government contractors using Deltek GCS or JAMIS Prime. We are experienced CFO’s and Controllers only and know how to implement your system quickly and operate it cost effectively.
Simply put, I help great companies grow. Growth can be painful, short term, require a lot of capital and damage the business model. I call that dumb growth. Smart growth is when you are able to achieve solid return on investment, improve the bench strength of management talent, and deliver a service or product that delights the customer. Too often management teams and investors look at growth as a sprint. It is not. If done right growth can be a consistent tailwind. Smart growth companies look like they are easy to manage. The performance metrics are clear, the strategy makes sense and the staff are fully bought in and support the company. Dumb growth companies are hard to manage. They underperform, earnings grows as a fraction of sales, and management is under constant pressure to plug the leaks and deal with crisis after crisis.
The big difference between smart and dumb growth is optimizing the growth within the strategic constraints. Smart growth is growth for the right reasons, in the right way.